Broadjam Artist: Margie & Art Corey
Song: I Get The Bird Coreys
Reviewer: Kate Carpenter
Positive Comments: Who can resist pink flamingo humor? This song is a hoot! It’s a story of a break-up, a couple splitting up their possessions. He insists that he gets to keep the pink flamingo (it’s all my mama left to me). What a crack up. Original humor. Hokey Pokey Fun.
Constructive Comments: Okay Coreys, I know I have heard this one before. I would say work on the vocals being a little clearer and together in the mix. Nothing wrong with the the tune and lyrics. I just saw a whole flock of fake pink flamingos here in Corpus Christi, TX this week. And for your reading pleasure, here is a flamingo joke:What do flamingos decorate their lawns with? (scroll down for answer)Plastic Italians. Love you guysMK