Broadjam Artist: Bob Birthisel
Song: That’s One Thing (Intro Only)
Reviewer: rob colley
Positive Comments: Wow! This caught my ear immediately and held my attention throughout. It packs a great punch within its compact dimensions. The tonic pedal adds a tension and insistence. The vocals are superb, and are beautifully recorded. The lyrics are thoughtful, intelligent and meaningful. It has real emotional presence, and the quality of the music underpins the meaning of the lyrics precisely. Its short length is in some ways quite enigmatic, but adds a mystery which is quite enchanting.
Constructive Comments: I think the recording is nicely balanced, and the overall sound is warm and clear, with judicious use of ambience. I have put N/A for the quality of the hook, not because there is anything missing here, but because not all music has a hook, and this through composed song is perfectly rounded without any excessive repetition. I really enjoyed this, and respect the musicianship and lyrical insight which clearly went into its production. Thanks, Rob.