Driving Sports Rock – INSTRUMENTAL EDIT by Bob Birthisel

Broadjam Artist: Bob BirthiselSong: Driving Sports Rock – INSTRUMENTAL EDITReviewer: Randall MarkPositive Comments: Nice tight electric guitar and drum mix, good steady flow, kind of hard rocking vibe. The electric guitar and drumming sounded right on…

Bob Birthisel

Broadjam Artist: Bob Birthisel
Song: Driving Sports Rock – INSTRUMENTAL EDIT

Reviewer: Randall Mark

Positive Comments: Nice tight electric guitar and drum mix, good steady flow, kind of hard rocking vibe. The electric guitar and drumming sounded right on the money, seems to be performed well and produced and recorded well

Constructive Comments: I felt like the song needed to distinguish itself a bit. It sounded a bit like a jam session, nice and skillfully executed, but the song did not really vary that much. Maybe a few other instruments mixed in and some twists and turns in the song would add some more dimension to it