Broadjam Artist: StarburstRecords
Song: Fall From Grace-Leslie Sahlen vocal
Reviewer: Steve Wyatt
Positive Comments: I chose “Grace” as a title because you use the word in different instances as in fall from grace, restore grace, etc., and this seems to sum up the message or intent of the song. The recording is tight enough from my perspective as an amateur artist who yields to professional musicians in final drafts but in your recording, the strings, piano, and vocals are very good and shows the musicianship you have and it is evident that there are live players on those instruments and they sound great. Also the arrangement resonates with songs forgotten in time, like 70’s balled songs. I listened more than once to get the feel of it and enjoyed the song. Great job.
Constructive Comments: I would consider adding female vocalists to enhance softness and resonance/harmony to make it sound more full in places.