ThE BOSTON RaG by Felice Kaye-Cooper / Songwriter

Broadjam Artist: Felice Kaye-Cooper / SongwriterSong: ThE BOSTON RaGReviewer: Ladee VPositive Comments: Great for a fun or quirky type tune. Very nicely put together. Reminds me a of the cartoons back in the day before color television. I can hear it n…

Felice Kaye-Cooper / Songwriter

Broadjam Artist: Felice Kaye-Cooper / Songwriter

Reviewer: Ladee V

Positive Comments: Great for a fun or quirky type tune. Very nicely put together. Reminds me a of the cartoons back in the day before color television. I can hear it now. You should be able to find licensing for this. Great job.

Constructive Comments: Definitely not a country tune. Probably should edit the category.