open door reloaded by Hartmut Oberdieck

Broadjam Artist: Hartmut OberdieckSong: open door reloadedReviewer: Kate CarpenterPositive Comments: Here’s an easy listening rock song that is really pleasing to listen to. It reminds me of a band that just LOVES to play and the venue is closing down…

Hartmut Oberdieck

Broadjam Artist: Hartmut Oberdieck
Song: open door reloaded

Reviewer: Kate Carpenter

Positive Comments: Here’s an easy listening rock song that is really pleasing to listen to. It reminds me of a band that just LOVES to play and the venue is closing down and there’s one last couple sitting at a table in conversation and the band just keeps on playing so as not to break up the ambiance of the moment. That’s where your song took me. I love your guitar playing!

Constructive Comments: Keep up the great music!